Rocky Mountain Natural Health – Body Sculpting
6 treatments for $420
10 treatments for $650
15 treatments for $900

Rocky Mountain Natural Health

702 North 19th Avenue Suite 1D
Bozeman, MT

Phone: (406) 586-1997

Type of Business:
Body Sculpting

Coupon: Body Sculpting
6 treatments for $420
10 treatments for $650
15 treatments for $900

* Regular price per treatment is $125. Call to book your appointment and mention coupon at time of booking. All sessions must be used by same person. Sessions are non-transferable. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion.

Rocky Mountain Natural Health

At Rocky Mountain Body Sculpting and Fat Loss we utilize the latest laser technology to help customers target their unwanted fat.

Lipo-Sculpt uses a precise laser to reduce fat pockets in a relatively painless, nonsurgical procedure. Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation uses ultrasound technology to eliminate fat cells, which the body then detoxes.

Therma-Lift on the other hand uses radio frequency to eliminate sagging and loose skin, helping to reduce the effects of aging anywhere on the body and face.