Romancing the light – 15% off any purchase over $39.99 and 20% off any purchase over $89.99

Romancing the light
1618 North Orange Avenue
Orlando, FL


(239) 888-1960

Type of Business:
Home Decor

15% off any purchase over $39.99 and 20% off any purchase over $89.99

*To place order online, enter coupon code: 15rtlnow for 15% off and 20rtl for 20% off. Minimum purchase must be met for code to apply on website. Not to be combined with any other offer or promotion

Romancing the light

Romancing the Light is a home decor boutique that specializes in illuminated flowers and branches. We also carry a large assortment of unique items such as candles, pillows, jewelry and much more! We have two locations in South Florida to serve you. For more information on the products we have to offer or for our store hours, please visit our website.